Prithivi Da

Machine Learning Research on Embedders / Retrievers for Search & RAG

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"Prithivi is one of the most up to date and well researched practitioners around and we like his commitment to quality outcomes. We draw from his expertise to architect an effective AI solution, build the right environment and set it in motion. Working in the AI solutions space requires mature and 'battle-hardened' skills that can see into the horizon. It also requires research and agility to pivot across to new possibilities."

- Mark Stanely, CEO Literatu

"First, thank you very much for FlashRank, which has helped me shave at least a half second off of the response time of my hybrid chat/search engine. If you are comfortable suggesting arate for an hour, I'd love to hear it. "

-Dan Freedman, CTO

"...In the Bay area, you would be counted along with Sebastian Raschka or Aurelien Geron TBH - I mean you are doing real good work - but like you said, people may not notice that right away because of the preconceived notions they have."

- Dr.Adnan Masood, Chief A.I Architect UST